Prof. Dr. GĂ©raldine Coppin
PublikationenGĂ©raldine Coppin is an Associate Professor since February 2020. She was Assistant Professor in Psychology at UniDistance Suisse from January 2018 till January 2020 before being tenured. She is also responsible of the French-speaking Master in Psychology and scientific head of the French-speaking CAS in Nutrition and Behaviour.
GĂ©raldine Coppin defended her PhD in Psychology in 2012. She did her PhD at the University of Geneva, in a Swiss research centre specialised in the study of affect and emotions. During her PhD, she investigated the flexibility of olfactory preferences.
She was then a postdoc at Yale University (USA) and at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research (Cologne) from 2012 to 2015. She investigated the flexibility of flavor preferences, bringing together the fields of olfaction and gustation.
In 2015, she was appointed Senior Researcher and Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Geneva and continued to pursue these research and teaching activities there till 2020. Additionally, she is a member of the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva.
Artikel ĂŒber die Untersuchung der Online-Angstkonditionierung in «Biological Psychology» veröffentlicht
Einzigartiges Handbuch: The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom
«Die Mahlzeiten unserer Kindheit beeinflussen uns noch heute»
Neue Publikation in der Zeitschrift International Journal of Obesity: Die ErnÀhrungsgewohnheiten von Menschen mit Fettleibigkeit
Die Schweiz und die Schokolade: Prof. Dr. GĂ©raldine Coppin bei 3sat
Funktionen an der FernUni Schweiz
FakultÀt Psychologie
- Ausserordentliche Professorin
- Studiengangsleiterin Bachelor FR
Food & Human Behavior Lab
- Ausserordentliche Professorin
FakultÀtskollegium Psychologie
- Ausserordentliche Professorin
- Studiengangsleiterin Bachelor FR
- 5. September 2023
Artikel im «Blick»: So funktioniert die Schlank-Spritze
Prof. Dr. Géraldine Coppin, FakultÀt Psychologie
Research projects
Food & Human Behavior Lab
FakultÀt Psychologie