Is emotional eating emotional? Empirical investigation of the connection between eating and emotion.

Modern societies are characterized by an abundance of food, in which humans can eat besides homeostatic needs, for instance driven by hedonic hunger or to reduce negative affects. Although frequently used in the literature, emotional eating remains poorly understood. In this project, we propose a line of studies conducted online: 

  1. Is emotional eating the result of a habituation process? Effect of repeated exposure to food stimuli between emotional and non-emotional eaters.  
  2. Is emotional eating a result of eating concerns? Manipulating emotions and eating profiles. 
  3. Is emotional eating preceded only by negative affects, or also by positive ones? The emotions behind hedonic hunger 

Is emotional eating determined by motivation (wanting), independent of the pleasure component (liking)? The reward system behind emotional eating

Dauer des Projekts

01.11.2020 - 31.12.2025


Dr. Larisa Olteanu
Dr. Larisa Olteanu Postdoc
Prof. Dr. GĂ©raldine Coppin
Prof. Dr. GĂ©raldine Coppin Professor