Prof. Dr. Nicolas Bueno
Nicolas Bueno is assistant professor at the French-speaking faculty of law of UniDistance Suisse.
He completed his doctorate in public international law at the University of Lausanne after a research stay at Columbia Law School in New York (2012-2013, Fulbright). He then conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Louvain (2016) and at The London School of Economics (2017) with a Postdoc.Mobility grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and at the University of Zurich (2018-2021) with an SNSF-Ambizione research grant. He also taught International Economic Law at the University of Lausanne and the University of Zurich, and Public International Law at the University of Lugano.
His fields of research are Law and Economic Globalization, Business and Human Rights, Labour Law and Political Economy. His resaerch has been published in journals, such as the International Labour Review, Business and Human Rights Journal, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities or le Journal of World Investment and Trade. He works on his current project, Political Economy of Labour Law: Workers Rights from Classical Liberalism to Post-Growth Economics and is the editor of Labour Law Utopias: Post-Growth and Post-Productive Approaches (Oxford University Press 2024). As a practitioner, he led strategic disputes in economy and human rights at the Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in Berlin (2014-2015), and he worked in the division of international investments and multinational business at the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
UN-Sonderberichterstatter für extreme Armut und Menschenrechte, dankt Prof. Dr. Nicolas Bueno für seine Forschung über das Recht auf angemessene Entlöhnung
Schweizer Firmen sind nicht verpflichtet, Zwangsarbeit bei ihren Lieferanten zu unterbinden
Wie sieht die Zukunft der Arbeit in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und der Sinnsuche der jüngeren Generationen aus?
Arbeit in einer «Postwachstums»-Logik
Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmen, ist die Schweiz bald isoliert? Prof. Dr. Nicolas Bueno spricht in der Sendung «Forum»
M09 |
Approfondissement en droit européen
Master en droit
M07 |
Droit international public et européen
Bachelor en droit
Funktionen an der FernUni Schweiz
Fakultät Recht
- Assistenzprofessor
Recht, wirtschaftliche Globalisierung und nachhaltige Entwicklung
- Assistenzprofessor
Fakultätskollegium Recht
- Assistenzprofessor
- Nicolas Bueno, Beryl ter Haar, Nuna Zekic (eds), Labour Law Utopias: Post-Growth and Post-Productive Approaches (Oxford University Press 2024, in press), ISBN 9780198889755 (Open Access)
- Bueno Nicolas, Le droit international de la démocratie et l’avenir des droits politiques (Berne, Paris: Staempfli, L.G.D.J. 2015) ISBN 978-3727231919
Scientific journal articles (selection 2020-2024)
- Bueno N, Bernaz N, Holly G, Martin-Ortega O. The EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD): The Final Political Compromise. Business and Human Rights Journal (2024) :1-7. doi:10.1017/bhj.2024.10
- Nicolas Bueno, Nadia Bernaz, Garbrielle Holly and Olga Martin-Ortega, ‘The EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD): The Final Political Compromise’, in Business and Human Rights Journal (2024, in press) (Open Access)
- Bueno Nicolas, Anil Yilmaz Vastardis, Isidore Ngueuleu Djeuga, ‘Investor Human Rights and Environmental Obligations: The Need to Redesign Corporate Social Responsibility Clauses’ 24 Journal of World Investment & Trade (2023) 176
- Nicolas Bueno, From Productive Work to Capability-Enhancing Work: Implications for Labour Law and Policy, 23(3) Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (2022) 354-372 doi:
- Nicolas Bueno, ‘Freedom at, through and from Work: Rethinking Labour Rights’, 160 (2) International Labour Review (2021) 311-329. doi:
- Bueno Nicolas, Liberté au travail, par le travail et face au travail: comment repenser les droits du travail, 160 (2) Revue internationale du Travail (2021) 339-360.
- Nicolas Bueno and Christine Kaufmann, ‘The Swiss Due Diligence Legislation: Between Law and Politics’, 6(3) Business and Human Rights Journal (2021) 542-549. doi: (Open Access)
- Nicolas Bueno and Claire Bright, ‘Implementing Human Rights Due Diligence through Corporate Civil Liability’, 69(4) International & Comparative Law Quarterly (2020) 789-818, doi:
Book chapters (selection 2020-2024)
- Nicolas Bueno, Beryl ter Haar and Nuna Zekic, ‘Labour Law Beyond Growth and Productivism: An Introduction’, in Nicolas Bueno, Beryl ter Haar, Nuna Zekic (eds), Labour Law Utopias: Post-Growth and Post-Productive Approaches (Oxford University Press 2024, in press). (Open Access)
- Nicolas Bueno, ‘The Value of Work in Labour Law’, in Nicolas Bueno, Beryl ter Haar, Nuna Zekic (eds), Labour Law Utopias: Post-Growth and Post-Productive Approaches (Oxford University Press 2024, in press) (Open Access)
- Claire Bright and Nicolas Bueno, ‘Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence’ in Anthony Ewing (ed), Teaching Business and Human Rights (Edward Elgar 2023) 144-159. doi:
Commentaries and Encyclopedia Entries
- Nicolas Bueno, ‘Labour Rights in EU External Trade Policy’, in Oxford Encyclopedia of European Law (Oxford University Press 2024, forthcoming)
- Nicolas Bueno, ‘Article 24: The Right to Rest and to the Limitation of Working Hours’, in Humberto Cantu Rivera (ed.) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Commentary (Brill 2023) 566-587,
- Nicolas Bueno and Yasmin Dinari, Art. 110 Cst : Travail, in: Stefan Schlegel and Odile Ammann (eds), Commentaire de la Constitution fédérale en ligne (2023) (Open Access)
- Nicolas Bueno et Christine Kaufmann, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in Binder and Nowak (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Elgar 2022) 375-383,
- Bueno Nicolas, ‘Right to Work’, in Binder and Nowak (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Edward Elgar 2022) 578-583,
- Recht und wirtschafltiche Globalisierung
- Wirtschaft und Menchenrechte
- Arbeitsrecht und Politische Ökonomie
- Recht und Nachhaltigkeit