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  • EDUDL+ · Apprentissage Ă  distance · Évaluation des apprentissages · Outils et ressources · Recherche et dĂ©veloppement · Enseignement Ă  distance · UniDistance Suisse
  • Henrietta Carbonel

This document aims at explaining what is currently known about ChatGPT and its limitations, and to give advice on how to use it and react to it in your teaching and online exams. It offers some suggestions on new educational approaches related to the new situation and how to redesign assessments to ensure safe, fair and meaningful exams for our students.

As outlined in the document, these guidelines offer solutions based on current knowledge of Chat GPT, and are likely to evolve in response to new experiences and future developments of the application.

Download our "Teacher's guide to ChatGPT and remote assessments"

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