Donnerstag, 26. September 2024
09:30 - 17:00
FernUni Schweiz - UniDistance Suisse, Schinerstrasse 18, 3900 Brig


La journĂ©e de l’enseignement Ă  UniDistance Suisse offre l’occasion d’échanger entre pairs, et avec des expert-e-s et le personnel des services support sur des pratiques d’enseignement. L’objectif est de promouvoir une culture diversifiĂ©e de l’enseignement Ă  UniDistance Suisse. 

Pour stimuler ces Ă©changes, des confĂ©rences seront donnĂ©es par des expert-e-s invitĂ©-e-s, et des ateliers et partages de pratiques et d’expĂ©rience d’enseignant-e-s d’UniDistance Suisse seront proposĂ©s. 
Les thĂšmes centraux de cette journĂ©e seront l’évaluation Ă  distance, l’intelligence artificielle et la vidĂ©o dans l’enseignement. 

Programme de la journée

DĂšs 09:30 Accueil  
10:00 Ouverture de la journĂ©e par le rectorat  
10:15 Configuring AI for learning. What students are doing and how we can support them. Dr Patrick Jermann, Center for Digital Education, EPFL (CH)
11:00 Posters et ateliers dans les diffĂ©rents Ă©tages du campus  
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch au campus  
13:30 Walk the talk  
14:10 Posters et ateliers dans les diffĂ©rents Ă©tages du campus  
15:30 Expanding Digital Learning Spaces Prof. Thomas Ryberg, Institute for Advanced Study in PBL, Université Aalborg (DK)
16:30 - 16:50 Mise en commun et clĂŽture  
17:00 Discussions informelles et apĂ©ritif au campus  

Conférences et intervenants

Patrick Jermann

Patrick Jermann is the director of the Center for Digital Education – EPFL. After studies in Geneva (TECFA) and Pittsburgh (LRDC) he joined EPFL in 2003 to coordinate eLearning projects and conduct research in the field of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). Since 2013 he is the director of the Center for Digital Education (CEDE) which produced 150 MOOCs and services the school's platforms for teaching and learning.

Configuring AI for learning. What students are doing and how we can support them.

Abstract coming soon.

Thomas Ryberg

Thomas Ryberg is Professor of PBL and digital learning and director of Institute for Advanced Study in PBL at Aalborg University (IAS PBL). His primary research interests are within the fields of Networked Learning and Problem Based Learning (PBL). In particular, he is interested in how new media and technologies transform our ways of thinking about and designing for networked and hybrid learning.

Expanding Digital Learning Spaces


In this presentation, we will look at the unique potentials of digital technologies to expand learning activities across four different types of learning spaces: individual learning spaces, group work, communities of interest, and finally open connections (networks). Through practical examples, I will highlight how we can design and evaluate learning activities that can strengthen students’ agency and opportunities for learning within these different spaces.

Informations sur l'inscription

La plus-value de cette journĂ©e est l’échange ; nous encourageons donc les Ă©quipes enseignantes Ă  participer en personne. NĂ©anmoins, les deux confĂ©rences seront enregistrĂ©es et rendues accessibles ultĂ©rieurement.

L’inscription est obligatoire et les places sont limitĂ©es. Cet Ă©vĂ©nement s’adresse aux Ă©quipes enseignantes et au personnel d’UniDistance Suisse. 

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